Remote Desktop

win10 teleoperate Ubuntu16.04 through remote desktop

  1. Open Desktop Sharing to make related settings, you can set it yourself according to the literal meaning.

  2. Install the xrdp software

    sudo apt-get install xrdp -y
  3. Install vnc4server

    sudo apt-get install vnc4server -y
  4. Install xfce4

    sudo apt-get install xfce4 -y
  5. Write xfce4-session to xsession

    echo "xfce4-session" >~/.xsession
  6. Restart the xrdp service

    sudo service xrdp restart
  7. View the ip address of ubuntu, open a terminal, enter


  8. You can open windows remote desktop connection through the search bar, enter the ip address of ubuntu and connect

  9. .Select Module as sesman-Xvnc , the entered username and password are ubuntu login username and password

  10. After clicking OK, you can connect normally. This interface is different from the ubuntu interface, and the usage is basically the same.

    The small black block in the upper left corner of the desktop is the panel, you can right-click, left-click and drag

Ubuntu16 teleoperate Ubuntu16 via remote desktop

  1. Open Desktop Sharing to make related settings, you can set it yourself according to the literal meaning.

  2. The ubuntu16 system comes with a remote desktop client software, Remmina remote desktop client

  3. Open this Remmina Remote Desktop Client

    Open a remote desktop setting by creating a new one, change the protocol to vnc-virtual network computer, enter the ip address in the server column, then enter the user name and password, and finally click connect.

    After that, the connection will be successful.

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