Visual Inertial System (VINS) with Stereo Vision and GPU Acceleration

Note: This tutorial is applicable for UAV SLAM Indoor only.

The UAV SLAM Indoor set is equipped with a Nvidia module and an Intel Realsense D435i stereo camera. With a more powerful GPU core, the hardware set is capable of performing fully autonomous indoor localization with pure vision. The VINS system opens broad opportunities for vision-aided autonomy and other applications like SLAM, AR(Augmented Reality). The product is suitable for high-end users with the need to delve deep into computer vision and robot autonomy.


The VINS system is based on the original work from the HKUST Aerial Robotics Group ( The related resources can be found in the Reference section of this tutorial. The approach fuses the IMU data seamlessly with onboard computer vision, and can output real-time pose estimation. It provides a complete pipeline from front-end IMU preintegration to backend global optimization, as depicted in the figure below:

What’s Inside

Note that the original open-source code cannot be directly deployed on UAVs, and it requires sophisticated setup before a user can attempt a successful flight. The work we have done includes the following aspects:

  • Complete environment setup with necessary prerequisites (OpenCV, Intel Realsense libraries, etc)

  • Camera calibration with both intrinsic and extrinsic parameters

  • Configurations for VINS fusion with Realsense stereo vision

  • Integration with the autopilot for low-level state estimation

  • Conduct dataset simulation, handhold move and autonomous flight tests

How to Use

The workspace for the VINS system located in the directory ~/src/catkin_ws_VINS-Fusion-gpu contains following packages:

  • VINS-Fusion-gpu: VINS algorithm package with GPU acceleration, customized specifically for UAV.

  • vison_opencv: a package for interfacing ROS with OpenCV.

  • pose_converter: a package to bridge the odometry system with the autopilot.

The VINS system can be launched with following commands:

# terminal 1

# terminal 2: launch mavros node
cd ~/src/catkinws_realsense \
&& source devel/setup.bash \
&& roslaunch mavros px4.launch fcu_url:=/dev/ttyPixhawk:921600

# terminal 3: launch realsense driver node
cd ~/src/catkinws_realsense \
&& source devel/setup.bash \
&& roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_d435i_kerloud_stereo_slam.launch

# terminal 4: launch VINS node
cd ~/src/catkin_ws_VINS-Fusion-gpu \
&& source devel/setup.bash \
&& rosrun vins vins_node /home/ubuntu/src/catkin_ws_VINS-Fusion-gpu/src/VINS-Fusion-gpu/config/kerloud_tx2_d435i/realsense_stereo_imu_config.yaml

# (Optional) terminal 5: launch vins-loop-fusion node
cd ~/src/catkin_ws_VINS-Fusion-gpu \
&& source devel/setup.bash \
&& rosrun loop_fusion loop_fusion_node /home/ubuntu/src/catkin_ws_VINS-Fusion-gpu/src/VINS-Fusion-gpu/config/kerloud_tx2_d435i/realsense_stereo_imu_config.yaml

# terminal 6: launch pose_converter node
cd ~/src/catkin_ws_VINS-Fusion-gpu \
&& source devel/setup.bash \
&& roslaunch pose_converter poseconv.launch

# (Optional) terminal 7: launch rviz for visualization
cd ~/src/catkin_ws_VINS-Fusion-gpu \
&& source devel/setup.bash \
&& roslaunch vins vins_rviz.launch

or simply:

cd ~/src/catkin_ws_VINS-Fusion-gpu \
&& bash


Simulation with Dataset

The simulation test with Euroc dataset can be conducted with commands below:

cd ~/src/catkin_ws_VINS-Fusion-gpu \
&& source devel/setup.bash \
&& roslaunch vins vins_rviz.launch \
&& rosrun vins vins_node ~/src/catkin_ws_VINS-Fusion-gpu/src/VINS-Fusion/config/euroc/euroc_stereo_imu_config.yaml

# Optional:
cd ~/src/catkin_ws_VINS-Fusion-gpu \
&& source devel/setup.bash \
&& rosrun loop_fusion loop_fusion_node ~/src/catkin_ws_VINS-Fusion-gpu/src/VINS-Fusion/config/euroc/euroc_stereo_imu_config.yaml \
&& rosbag play YOUR_DATASET_FOLDER/MH_01_easy.bag


VINS-Mono: A Robust and Versatile Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimator, Tong Qin, Peiliang Li, Zhenfei Yang, Shaojie Shen, IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 2018.

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