GPS and IMU fusion

The current GPS is often inaccurate or ineffective. For example, it is often unavailable in tunnels due to poor signals, or GPS signals are easily refracted and reflected in high-rise buildings in the city center. At this time, the IMU can enhance the navigation ability of GPS. For example, when the lane line recognition module fails, the road information perceived before the failure and the deduction of the car's track by the IMU can still allow the car to continue driving in the lane.

In addition, the GPS update frequency is too low (only 10Hz) to provide sufficient real-time location updates. The update frequency of the IMU can reach 100Hz or higher, which can completely make up for the lack of real-time performance of GPS. The combined GPS/IMU system can help autonomous driving complete positioning through global positioning and inertial update data at frequencies up to 100Hz. By integrating GPS with the IMU, the car can achieve location updates that are both accurate and sufficiently real-time.

The IMU, along with onboard ADAS and satellite positioning inputs, provides an accurate picture of the vehicle's position and heading, while dampening shock and vibration from normal driving.

Integrated GPS and IMU

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