Start lidar radar
The UAV is equipped with a laser radar. The user can start the radar with the following commands in the new terminal
roslaunch handsfree_lidar lidar.launch
After that, you can see the following output:
Users can start rviz through the following command to view the radar real-time scanning results:
rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find handsfree_lidar`/rviz/view_lidar.rviz
Start depth camera
The user can view the image of realsense camera in two ways:
1.Launched through Intel official software
Users can use the following instructions to open the official software of Intel:
After that, you can view the RGB image of the realsense depth camera
You can also view the depth image
2.Start by ROS drive
The user can start the ROS drive of the realsense depth camera through the following command:
roslaunch handsfree_camera camera.launch
After startup, the following topics can be obtained:
After that, you can view the RGB image of the realsense depth camera through rqt
You can view the depth image of the realsense depth camera
You can also use the following command to view the image of the realsense depth camera through rviz:
rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find handsfree_camera`/rviz/view_realsense.rviz
The results are shown in the following figure