
Q2000 The HandsFree Q series is the Taobotics company's cost-effective development platform for uav system integration enthusiasts, supporting advanced software communities such as PX4, Dronecode, ROS, Nvidia and Ubuntu. communities


  • Modular design, can be equipped with Raspberry Pi, Nvidia Jetson computers and Intel Realsense D435i/T265 depth cameras

  • Compact airframe, applicable for both indoor and outdoor environments

  • Software-ready environment with ROS (Robotic Operating System) melodic and Nvidia Jetpack SDK

  • Capable of real-time vision processing and deep learning

  • Support advanced features including indoor SLAM and outdoor avoidance

  • Use cases include: flight control design, ROS programming, prototyping for UAV AI applications and other education scenarios

Maintained with long-term support in hardware and software components


Specification Q2000
Diagonal rotor center distance 300mm
Endurance 12min
Weight 1.4kg with Jetson nano,an onboard camera and a battery
Maximum payload 1.2kg

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