HandsFree OpenRE

OpenRE Architectural

OpenRE(Open Source Robot Embedded Library), is an embedded open source library written specifically for robots and based on the STM32 family of microprocessors. After continuous optimization, the open source library becomes robust and universal, thus becoming a platform-independent embedded library specifically for robotics.

The main purpose is to build an embedded cross-platform software framework dedicated to robotics, covering the underlying device drivers, algorithm libraries, communication and operating system components, etc., mainly covering the following.

  • Many sensor, memory, input and output device driver packages have been packaged, and the hardware and driver package isolation method, developers can easily cross-platform porting, such as a variety of servo devices, digital and analog servo, DC three-phase motors, a variety of sensors, accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, ultrasound, GPS, some cross-class mutual LCD, touch screen, flash, EEPROM, SD card driver, etc..

  • With the ported operating system layer, real-time operating system (RTOS), graphics library (GUI), network protocol (LWIP), USB protocol, users can choose the appropriate template for development according to their needs, eliminating the tedious operation of the porting process.

  • With many robot-related algorithm libraries, PID control package, robot motion coordinate transformation package, Kalman filter package, matrix operation package, quaternion, etc.
  • Support makefile + QTCreator + armgcc in Linux environment for development

  • Get OpenRE source code: OpenRE source code

The OpenRE library uses makefile + QTCreator + armgcc for development. I believe those who are familiar with makefile know how convenient it is, as for the developers of windows system, they can also configure the environment of makefile + QTCreator + armgcc for windows to develop. The project file of keil for windows will be given later.

Before you develop OpenRE embedded robots, you need to prepare some basic knowledge, such as you need to be able to use the linux system, will use git github to manage their code, will use qtcretor. related learning materials, HandsFre team will also be organized to give, please see Robotics-Learning

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